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The practice will be closed for Staff Training from 12.00-2pm on Tuesday 30th April 2024
Do you know we offer an eConsult service as a means of contacting the practice. Follow the link below under Access our Online Tools
It is practice policy to NOT issue Seat Belt exemption certificates other than in exceptional circumstances. We will always encourage patients to wear seat belts.
From the 1st of November 2023 how we handle urine samples, for possible UTI's, across the surgeries changed. Females age between 16-64yrs, can access treatment from several local pharmacies. Follow the link under Access our Online Tools
The practice will be closed from 6.pm on Friday 3rd & 24th May and will re-open at 8.30am on Tuesday 7th and 28th May 2024

Does my cut need stitches?

A cut may need stitches (or other treatments) if:

  • the bleeding does not stop after 10 minutes of applying pressure
  • the cut is long or deep
  • something is embedded within the cut
  • the cut occurred as a result of an animal or human bite, or was punctured by any other object that may cause infection
  • the cut is on the mouth, face, hand or genitals

If any of these apply, go to an urgent care centre or A&E as soon as possible.

Find your nearest urgent care centre

Find your nearest A&E

You should also see a GP if you think the cut is not healing properly, or may be showing signs of infection.

Common signs of infection include:

  • swelling
  • redness
  • pain
  • pus coming from the wound

The cut may need to be cleaned or stitched, and you may be given antibiotics.

Bleeding from small cuts and grazes can be controlled by applying pressure to the cut using a clean, non-fluffy pad (preferably a sterile dressing, if you have one).

You should also raise the injured body part above the level of the heart so the bleeding slows down and stops. If it's your hand or arm, raise it above your head; if it's a lower limb, lie down and raise it.

If you do not have a sterile dressing, use a hand, tea towel or T-shirt to slow down the bleeding.

Once you're sure the cut is clean and the bleeding has stopped, wrap a dressing around it and make sure it's secure.

The cut should heal by itself within a few days.

Find out more about how to clean a wound