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IMPORTANT NOTICE. We are now using our New Clinical System. Please be patient while we learn how to navigate this. Thank you for your continued support and patience.


In addition to general medical consultations, the practice offers a number of clinics and services.

  • You can get a large amount of regional Child Health information from Healthier Together | Home (nenc-healthiertogether.nhs.uk)


    Collingwood Health Visitors are now based at The Riverside Centre, Minton Lane, North Shields, NE29 6DQ, Tel. No. 0191 643 8899.

    They hold two baby clinics, one held at The Riverside Centre on a Tuesday between 1:00 and 15:00 p.m. and a second held on a Wednesday at North Shields Library between 09:30 and 11:30 a.m.

    These are drop in clinics with a health visitor always in attendance.  They offer an opportunity for general advice and support for mums and children up to the age of 5.

    Weighing and developmental assessments can be done in the clinic.

    You will be invited by post to attend for scheduled immunisations.

  • What is Diabetes?

    Diabetes is a lifelong condition that causes a person’s blood sugar level to become too high.

    There are two types: type 1 and type 2. For more information on the NHS choices website explaining about diabetes  click here

    type 1 diabetes
    type 2 diabetes

    In the UK, diabetes affects approximately 2.9 million people. There are also thought to be around 850,000 people with undiagnosed diabetes.

    Diabetic clinic at Collingwood Health Group

    We run diabetic clinics at Collingwood Surgery and Jubilee Park Surgery to provide on going care, health education and monitoring for patients diagnosed with diabetes.

    Some patients with Diabetes will have their follow up and care at the Diabetes resource centre at North Tyneside General Hospital.

  • Any patient on repeat medications has a ‘diary date’.  This is a date on the computer that reminds us and you of when the medication you take next needs to be reviewed.  This is good practice and very important for safety and your long term health.

    We are often able to review and update medications when we are seeing you in surgery.  Sometimes if we have not seen you for a while we will put a note on your prescription asking for you to make either a telephone or face to face consultation.  Sometimes you will be invited to come for health checks and blood tests as part of preparation for a review appointment.

  • These clinics are currently unavailable. However, there is local provision of minor surgery if the lesion fits criteria for removal on the NHS. Procedures may include the removal of certain:

    • Cysts
    • Skin tags
    • Moles
    • Other minor skin lesions

    If you have any concerns about a skin lesion eg if it changes or bleeds, please book in to see a GP for assessment.

  • If you are already living with a respiratory condition such as Asthma or COPD then our Long Term Conditions team will contact you on your birth month to organise an annual review of your condition.


    Asthma is caused by inflammation of the airways.  These are the small tubes, called bronchi, which carry air in and out of the lungs.  If you have asthma, the bronchi will be inflamed and more sensitive than normal.  When you come into contact with something that irritates your lungs (known as a trigger) your airways become narrow, the muscles around them tighten and there is an increase in the production of sticky mucus (phlegm).  This makes it difficult to breathe and causes wheezing and coughing.  It may also make your chest feel tight.


    What is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?

    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a general term which includes the conditions chronic bronchitis and emphysema.  COPD is the preferred term, but you may still hear it called chronic obstructive airways disease (COAD).

    • Chronic means persistent.
    • Bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchi (the airways of the lungs).
    • Emphysema is damage to the smaller airways and air sacs (alveoli) of the lungs.
    • Pulmonary means ‘affecting the lungs’.

    Chronic bronchitis or emphysema can cause obstruction (narrowing) of the airways.  

    Chronic bronchitis and emphysema commonly occur together.  The term COPD is used to describe airflow obstruction due to chronic bronchitis, emphysema, or both.

  • Breast Screening - Breast screening saves around 1,300 lives each year in the UK.

    Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK and treatment is most effective when found and diagnosed early. The NHS breast screening programme aims to detect breast cancer at a very early stage. If you are aged between 50 and 70 years old and registered with a North Tyneside GP practice you will receive a routine breast screening invitation when it's your turn.

    If you are concerned about changes with your breasts, do not wait for your screening appointment and seek advice from your GP straight away.

    You can find out more about breast screening online here. To make or change your appointment once you have received a letter from the Breast Screening Service, call 0191 282 0202. You will not be able to make an appointment before you have been invited by letter.


    Bowel Screening - If you are experiencing unusual bowel symptoms then you can make an appointment to see a GP or Physicians Associate where you may be offered Bowel screening. Additionally, if you are 60-74 years of age you will be offered routine screening by post. More details on this scheme can be found at: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/bowel-cancer-screening/


    Cervical Screening - If you would like to book your 3 or 5 year cervical screening then please contact reception on 0191 257 1779 who will book you in to one of our dedicated Nurse Smear Clinics.

    Alternatively, there are also appointments available for Smears on evenings and weekends at the North Shields Hub which can also be arranged if it's more convenient.  

  • We are committed to helping you prevent health problems and offer a wide range of health prevention services.

    We offer a full range of contraceptive services to include pills, injections, coils and implants as well as services for pregnancy. We offer consultations to discuss and manage periods and other related issues from teens to menopause.

    We also recognise the impact of the menopause on women's health including issues such as mood , bone , vascular, urogenital (includes prolapse and bladder problems )and sexual health and offer suitable management including HRT and pessary fitting to help manage symptoms. 

    We offer smears and breast examinations and are happy to discuss any concerns or questions you might have about those checks.

  • As part as our wider Primary Care Network Team, Collingwood has two adult mental health workers that work from all 3 sites during the working week. Appointments with our Mental Health Workers can be booked through reception and they can assess your needs before referring on to other services such as Talking Matters.


    Additionally, if you are over 16 and experiencing a mental health crisis you can contact the North Tyneside CRISIS Team on 0800 652 2861

  • If you are one of our frail patients or someone who has been deemed housebound then the surgery can arrange for a home visit by our Primary Care Practitioner Vicky Moxom or one of our Doctors. These requests are triaged and arranged in the same way as other appointments by contacting the surgery number.  Vicky is a qualified paramedic now specialising in frailty support and is very experienced at providing home visits. She works closely with the GPs in the team and will discuss any concerns.

    Housebound patient information

    • A patient will be deemed to be HOUSEBOUND and eligible for home visits when they are unable to leave their home environment through physical and/or psychological illness.   
    • An individual will not be eligible for a home visit if they are able to leave their home environment on their own or with minimal assistance to visit public or social recreational public services (including shopping).
    • A patient may be TEMPORARILY HOUSEBOUND eg due to illness/ fall/ surgery. This status will be reassessed depending on recovery.

    Palliative Care visits will be provided by GPs. 




  • If you have a musculoskeletal problem, such as back and joint pain, our North Tyneside Integrated Musculoskeletal Service (NTIMS) can help you manage your condition in the most effective way.
    You can now Self-Refer to NTIMS if you are happy to do so.

    Click on the following link:  


  • You may wish to confidentially discuss whether you are able to continue with a pregnancy. Please follow the link for information about abortion support and self referral




  • North Tyneside Carers' Centre
    ·         Definition of carers: 'A carer is a person of any age (including children) who provides unpaid support to a partner, relative, friend or neighbour who couldn’t cope without their help. This could be due to old age, frailty, disability, a serious health condition, mental ill health or substance misuse.'

    ·         What an adult carer does: 'An adult carer either looks after a child or another adult by helping them to wash and change, doing their housework and shopping, helping to distribute their medications and sorting out medical appointments.'

    ·         Definition of young carer: 'Young Carers are children and young people aged 5-18 who help to look after somebody in their family because that person has a disability, illness, mental health difficulty, or because that person misuses drugs or alcohol.'

    ·         What a young carer does: 'A young carer helps to do the shopping, cooking and cleaning, they often look after younger brothers or sisters and help to give medication, they help the person they care for go to the toilet or have a shower and often keep them company when they’re feeling down. Lots of young carers say that they worry about the person they care for when they aren’t with them and feel they need to check they are okay.'

    Young Carers Survey

    ·         Carers Champions: 'Over the 3 sites, we have 2 Carers Champions within our team who work to support and help unpaid carers. Our Carers Champions are Caitlin, Lauren, Naomi and Danielle who are a part of our Reception Team. They help to advertise events from the Carers Centre and will help signpost carers to places that will help them when they are struggling.'

    ·         Carers Centre: 'The North Tyneside Carers Centre is a centre based in Wallsend that runs events to support unpaid carers. They run different group sessions for carers to be able to get together. They also provide 1 to 1 support for carers who are struggling and need some support.'




    Call 0191 2496480

  • Set up by the Domestic Abuse Commissioner (DAC), VOICES at the DAC is a virtual platform for victims and survivors of domestic abuse to stay connected to relevant policy, research, and practice development.

    VOICES at the DAC aims to give victims and survivors opportunities to share their experience so they can influence change.

    VOICES at the DAC will circulate a newsletter with opportunities to share your voice with domestic abuse organisations, universities, and local and national government. It will also include updates on the Commissioner’s work and relevant news from across domestic abuse policy, practice and research.

    Voices at the DAC

    Safe Space for Women / Healthy Relationships

    Live Experience Matters

  • We listened to what you had to say about the practice.

    Now, read what we did to help resolve these issues.

    • Make the door easier to open, I nearly fell in.   Thank you for letting us know that you have had some difficulties with the surgery door. We have had this looked at as there has been some ongoing issues. We have now reverted back to the automatic mode. Please let us know if this causes any issues.  May 24.
    • Louder sound on next patient screen.   Thank you for highlighting this. The software which runs the patient calling system is on the maximum volume level. We have checked this at various times of the day to ensure that this is working correctly and we are pleased to say it is. Unfortunately, we cannot turn up the volume via the TV as this then makes the any voice overs on the presentation unbearably loud. We are aware that at times the waiting room is very busy and volume loud and we are looking at ways in which to minimise this.
    • On confirmation text state New York, Hawkey's Lane or Jubilee Park as with being Collingwood Health Group saying Collingwood surgery is slightly misleading.   Many thanks for your feedback. The text message reminder software is called Accurx and they confirm that appointment reminders are automatically sent to patients to remind them about their upcoming appointment. Face to face appointment reminders will include the date and time of the patient's appointment and, if the organisation has more than one site, the location of the appointment is also part of the text.
    • Your carpark is in desperate need of repair before an accident happens and more disabled bays are needed.   Many thanks for your feedback - we are pleased to report that the car park was resurfaced on Saturday 20th April 2024. Based on the information available to us we have the correct number of disabled bays in relation to the number of spaces available. Please note that the side parking area to the practice does not belong to Collingwood and we therefore have no control over the parking or bays.
    • I waited 25 minutes past my appointment time - Less waiting time, appointment was 2.30pm didn't get in to see doctor till 3.10pm - Appointment 40 mins late for bloods, spoke to reception and was told they were running late - Well I waited a while to be seen but I was more than happy with my nurses.    Thank you for highlighting your concerns regarding the GP running late. We are currently undertaking an audit on the length of time patients wait to be seen for their appointment to identify whether any changes or amendments to appointment sessions are required. We do our best to notify patients' if we are aware that a member of the clinical team is running late but the system does not notify the reception team about this, so often we maybe unaware of this. The self check in system does notify patients if the clinician is running late when patients check in.
    • There is no privacy at the reception window. - Not having to relay personal information publicly at reception - Yes not having to explain to the receptionist why I needed an appointment with people in the surgery who are in hearing distance. If you would like to speak with a receptionist in a quieter, confidential area please just ask and we can speak with you away from the waiting room area.