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The practice will be closed for Staff Training from 12.00-2pm on Tuesday 30th April 2024
Do you know we offer an eConsult service as a means of contacting the practice. Follow the link below under Access our Online Tools
It is practice policy to NOT issue Seat Belt exemption certificates other than in exceptional circumstances. We will always encourage patients to wear seat belts.
From the 1st of November 2023 how we handle urine samples, for possible UTI's, across the surgeries changed. Females age between 16-64yrs, can access treatment from several local pharmacies. Follow the link under Access our Online Tools
The practice will be closed from 6.pm on Friday 3rd & 24th May and will re-open at 8.30am on Tuesday 7th and 28th May 2024

How soon can I use tampons after giving birth?

You should not use tampons until you've had your 6-week postnatal check. This is because you'll still have a wound where the placenta joined with the wall of your womb, and you may also have tears or cuts in or around your vagina.

Using internal sanitary products like tampons and menstrual cups before this wound has healed could increase your chance of getting an infection.

After giving birth, you'll have vaginal bleeding, also known as lochia. It's similar to a period but can last between 2 and 6 weeks.

It'll be very heavy at first and will get lighter over the weeks. It's best to use maternity pads or sanitary towels during this time while your body is still healing.

Change the pads or towels regularly, washing your hands before and afterwards. Have a bath or shower every day to keep the area clean.