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Do you know we offer an eConsult service as a means of contacting the practice. Follow the link below under Access our Online Tools
Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, our Go Live date for our new telephone system has been postponed. We are hoping to have a new date in the not too distant future.

Can I speak to a GP about someone else's health?

If you have consent, you can speak about a friend or relative's health with their GP.

If you do not have consent

You can raise concerns about a friend or relative's health with their GP without their consent, but because of patient confidentiality, the GP will not be able to discuss any details.

Getting information and advice

If you're concerned about a friend or relative's health, there are many ways for you to get information and advice. For example, you can:

You could talk to your friend or relative directly if you wish to discuss their condition or treatment. Tell them about your concerns about their health, and offer help and support.

Sometimes it can be difficult for someone to talk about their health problem.

For more information about some specific problems, see: